Insurgent Knowledges Ateneo 1-24-13


A many of you already know, a few of us have been talking about convening an ateneo on Thursday evenings from
7-9 at a location near the CIIS campus. What we have imagined thus far would be to convene an ateneo with the focus of insurgent knowledges. The ateneo could be facilitated in a manner similar to how it has been deployed with Uni-Tierra Califas, namely as a very casual space of learning convened in public places animated in this instance by the theme of insurgent learning. Unlike the Democracy Ateneo in San Jose, the Insurgent Knowledges ateneo would invite participants to address questions and share struggles about the role of knowledge production in movement building and a democratic praxis. We will gather this Thursday, January 24th at Don Ramon's (221 11th Street) <> and begin a conversation about how we might deploy the ateneo in SF. Our goal in this first gathering will be to clarify our process as we establish the space, animated by the hope that we can expand our circle with comrades from other projects.

Please stop by and join us to get this space underway. Please note, the emails above are not intended to reflect everyone who might be interested in this space so please feel free to alert comrades that might not be listed above.